JCP 2011 Vol.6(3): 556-563 ISSN: 1796-203X
doi: 10.4304/jcp.6.3.556-563
doi: 10.4304/jcp.6.3.556-563
Solving DOPF in VSWGs Integrated Power System Using Improved Evolutionary Programming
Gonggui Chen1, 2, Hangtian Lei1, Haibing Fang2, Jian Xu2
1College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei Province, China
2Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hubei University for Nationalities, Enshi 445000, Hubei Province, China
Abstract—Wind turbine can be divided into two categories: fixed speed wind generators (FSWGs) and variable speed wind generators (VSWGs) . VSWGs’s bus can be dealt with as PV-bus or PQ-bus in power flow calculation because reactive power compensation can be performed. Dynamic optimal power flow (DOPF) in VSWGs integrated power system is a typical complex multi-constrained non-convex non-linear programming problem when considering the valve-point effect of conventional generators. In this paper, an improved evolutionary programming (IEP) is proposed to solve DOPF in VSWGs integrated power system. In the methodology, the well-known evolutionary programming (EP) is used as a basic level search, which can give a good direction to the optimal global region. Then, a local search (LS) procedure is adopted as a fine tuning to determine the optimal solution. The modified IEEE 30-bus system is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with those obtained from EP algorithm. In order to verify algorithm effectiveness in more complex power system, IEEE 39-bus system is used test system. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of yielding higherquality solutions.
Index Terms—wind power generation, variable speed wind generators, dynamic optimal power flow, improved evolutionary programming
2Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hubei University for Nationalities, Enshi 445000, Hubei Province, China
Abstract—Wind turbine can be divided into two categories: fixed speed wind generators (FSWGs) and variable speed wind generators (VSWGs) . VSWGs’s bus can be dealt with as PV-bus or PQ-bus in power flow calculation because reactive power compensation can be performed. Dynamic optimal power flow (DOPF) in VSWGs integrated power system is a typical complex multi-constrained non-convex non-linear programming problem when considering the valve-point effect of conventional generators. In this paper, an improved evolutionary programming (IEP) is proposed to solve DOPF in VSWGs integrated power system. In the methodology, the well-known evolutionary programming (EP) is used as a basic level search, which can give a good direction to the optimal global region. Then, a local search (LS) procedure is adopted as a fine tuning to determine the optimal solution. The modified IEEE 30-bus system is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with those obtained from EP algorithm. In order to verify algorithm effectiveness in more complex power system, IEEE 39-bus system is used test system. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of yielding higherquality solutions.
Index Terms—wind power generation, variable speed wind generators, dynamic optimal power flow, improved evolutionary programming
Cite: Gonggui Chen, Hangtian Lei, Haibing Fang, Jian Xu, "Solving DOPF in VSWGs Integrated Power System Using Improved Evolutionary Programming," Journal of Computers vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 556-563, 2011.
General Information
ISSN: 1796-203X
Abbreviated Title: J.Comput.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Abbreviated Title: J.Comput.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Liansheng Tan
Executive Editor: Ms. Nina Lee
Abstracting/ Indexing: DBLP, EBSCO, ProQuest, INSPEC, ULRICH's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat,etc
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