JCP 2013 Vol.8(1): 97-101 ISSN: 1796-203X
doi: 10.4304/jcp.8.1.97-101
doi: 10.4304/jcp.8.1.97-101
Forecasting Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China Using Optimization Grey Model
Wei Sun1, Jingmin Wang1 and Hong Chang2
1 School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Baoding, China
2 Key Laboratory of Advanced Control and Optimization for Chemical Processes (East China University of Science and Technology), Ministry of Education, Shanghai, China
Abstract—Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) that caused global environmental degradation and climate change. China has been the top carbon dioxide emitter since 2007, surpassing the USA by an estimated 8%. So, forecasting future CO2 emissions trend in China provides the basis for policy makers to draft scientific and rational energy and economic development policies. This paper presents an optimization GM (1, 1) model to forecast the carbon dioxide emissions in China. In traditional GM (1, 1) model, the background value usually chooses the constant 0.5. But taking the same background parameter values for each time with different trend will result in degrading the forecasting accuracy. And it is also the main reason why the accuracy is lower with non-smooth sequence forecasting. So, the rational background value should be selected during parameter identification process. Considering the limitation of traditional GM (1, 1), the background value vectorα is introduced to assign different parameters for different times instead of choosing constant value 0.5 to compute background value array. And the Harmony Search (HS) algorithm is adopted to determine the value of α through optimizing the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) function. The proposed HS optimization GM (1, 1) is applied to carbon dioxide emissions forecast in China. And the simulation results show that the HS optimization GM (1, 1) model gives better accuracy.
Index Terms—Carbon dioxide emissions forecasting, greenhouse gases, Harmony Search algorithm, optimization GM (1, 1) model
2 Key Laboratory of Advanced Control and Optimization for Chemical Processes (East China University of Science and Technology), Ministry of Education, Shanghai, China
Abstract—Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) that caused global environmental degradation and climate change. China has been the top carbon dioxide emitter since 2007, surpassing the USA by an estimated 8%. So, forecasting future CO2 emissions trend in China provides the basis for policy makers to draft scientific and rational energy and economic development policies. This paper presents an optimization GM (1, 1) model to forecast the carbon dioxide emissions in China. In traditional GM (1, 1) model, the background value usually chooses the constant 0.5. But taking the same background parameter values for each time with different trend will result in degrading the forecasting accuracy. And it is also the main reason why the accuracy is lower with non-smooth sequence forecasting. So, the rational background value should be selected during parameter identification process. Considering the limitation of traditional GM (1, 1), the background value vectorα is introduced to assign different parameters for different times instead of choosing constant value 0.5 to compute background value array. And the Harmony Search (HS) algorithm is adopted to determine the value of α through optimizing the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) function. The proposed HS optimization GM (1, 1) is applied to carbon dioxide emissions forecast in China. And the simulation results show that the HS optimization GM (1, 1) model gives better accuracy.
Index Terms—Carbon dioxide emissions forecasting, greenhouse gases, Harmony Search algorithm, optimization GM (1, 1) model
Cite: Wei Sun, Jingmin Wang and Hong Chang, " Forecasting Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China Using Optimization Grey Model," Journal of Computers vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 97-101, 2013.
General Information
ISSN: 1796-203X
Abbreviated Title: J.Comput.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Abbreviated Title: J.Comput.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Liansheng Tan
Executive Editor: Ms. Nina Lee
Abstracting/ Indexing: DBLP, EBSCO, ProQuest, INSPEC, ULRICH's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat,etc
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